Supporting mental health promotion (2023 – ongoing)


Currently, COMPASS is seeking for financial supporters so we can spread knowledge, tools and support.


Platform UniBas Mental Fitness supported by Alexandra Polyakova and Selina Hugger.

Association COMPASS board members: Simone Pengue, Kevin Nils Baumann, Stephanie Gehlen, Debora Draxl.

Second avuba lunch talk co-moderated with Hannah Jeckel.

Photography: University of Basel, screenshots from University of Basel website and UniBas Mental Fitness platform.


Interdisciplinary consultancy. Science communication. Mental health.


Working in an academic context is often linked to poor mental states due to stress, competition, rejection, doubt, anxiety and depression. Talking about it seems to be associated with great discomfort.


I am a board member of the association COMAPSS (Creating Openness and Mental health Promotion Amongst Scholars in Switzerland). In this role, I support public relations work.


I have initiated a platform for peer support on mental health. The discord server “UniBas Mental Fitness” was created for the University of Basel and can be used by PhD students, PostDocs, Master and Bachelor students.

Public outreach

Talks: Invited by the University of Basel, I held a science slam for the Welcome Day at the Basel Theatre. I was able to reach 1400 bachelor students and employees to provide information about mental health issues that can affect us all.

Workshops: Invited by avuba, I moderated two lunch talks in which we shared personal experiences, bringing together participants from different departments of the university.


Currently, COMPASS is seeking for financial supporters so we can spread knowledge, tools and support.


Platform UniBas Mental Fitness supported by Alexandra Polyakova and Selina Hugger.

Association COMPASS board members: Simone Pengue, Kevin Nils Baumann, Stephanie Gehlen, Debora Draxl.

Second avuba lunch talk co-moderated with Hannah Jeckel.

Photography: University of Basel, screenshots from University of Basel website and UniBas Mental Fitness platform.


Interdisciplinary consultancy. Science communication. Mental health.