Phosphenes – mixed methods research and short film on vision loss (2022 – ongoing)


To date, the project has received support by Fachausschuss Film und Medienkunst BS/BL, Team 93 - Die Optikergenossenschaft.


Mixed method study: A collaboration with Priv. Doz. Dr. med. habil. Maria della Volpe, FEBO, deputy medical director at Heuberger Eye Clinic and a clinical researcher at University Eye Hospital Basel.

Assistance: Emma Wagener, as part of the module "Changing Societies Lab" at the University of Basel in cooperation with metaLAB Basel at the Academy of Art and Design FHNW.

Short film: Debora Dax (concept and direction), Joel De Giovanni (camera), Salva Di Pino (montage and and colouring), Raimonds Jermasks (visual effects), Roman Huber (composition and sound design), David Fortmann (software and hardware), Sulaco Film GmbH (advice production), Studio Flux (graphics and media kit), Hörfilm Schweiz (audio description).

Photography: Debora Draxl


Mixed methods. Quality of life. Visual disability.


Worldwide, 80% of eye diseases could be prevented if diagnosed in time. A short film (15 min) focuses on visual disabilities, which continue to increase in adults and children, and can cause discomfort.


In collaboration with Priv. Doz. Dr. med. habil. Maria della Volpe (University Eye Hospital Basel), a mixed-methods study on the quality of life of patients with visual impairment is being planned.


A short film narrates the course of an eye disease, the diagnosis and the therapy from two perspectives: the lived experiences of the patients and the scientific knowledge of the eye experts.

Public outreach

The project is currently in the financing phase and has therefore not yet been realised or shown to the public.

Related project

Installation on science communication, visual disability, mental health.

Workshop on visual disability, phosphenes and social interaction.


To date, the project has received support by Fachausschuss Film und Medienkunst BS/BL, Team 93 - Die Optikergenossenschaft.


Mixed method study: A collaboration with Priv. Doz. Dr. med. habil. Maria della Volpe, FEBO, deputy medical director at Heuberger Eye Clinic and a clinical researcher at University Eye Hospital Basel.

Assistance: Emma Wagener, as part of the module "Changing Societies Lab" at the University of Basel in cooperation with metaLAB Basel at the Academy of Art and Design FHNW.

Short film: Debora Dax (concept and direction), Joel De Giovanni (camera), Salva Di Pino (montage and and colouring), Raimonds Jermasks (visual effects), Roman Huber (composition and sound design), David Fortmann (software and hardware), Sulaco Film GmbH (advice production), Studio Flux (graphics and media kit), Hörfilm Schweiz (audio description).

Photography: Debora Draxl


Mixed methods. Quality of life. Visual disability.