Eye Contact in Social Interactions (2023 - ongoing)


Special thanks to Dr Andreas Ledl (FHNW Campus Muttenz), who supported the data retrieval for the systematic review.

Here is the link to the study on gaze exposure by Prof Dr Dominique de Quervain at the University of Basel.


Eye contact. Social connection. Mental health.


Making and maintaining eye contact evokes discomfort in many persons, especially for those with social anxiety. Women are more frequently affected by social anxiety compared to men.


I conduct a systematic investigation to assess the extent to which gaze interactions in human-computer interaction (e.g., robots, animations, virtual agents and virtual reality) influence comfort levels.


A study at the University of Basel has shown that gaze exposure in VR can reduce anxiety, e.g., in public speaking. Building on this, I would like to assess an online tool to reduce discomfort in gaze interactions.

Public outreach

Talks (selection): My talk was awarded at the FameLab Swiss semi-finals in Basel at the University of Basel (3.5.2023). Link to talk.

Publication: I was invited by the magazine Matter & Meaning to write an article.

Exhibition: FHNW Research Day 2022 obout work in progress.


Special thanks to Dr Andreas Ledl (FHNW Campus Muttenz), who supported the data retrieval for the systematic review.

Here is the link to the study on gaze exposure by Prof Dr Dominique de Quervain at the University of Basel.


Eye contact. Social connection. Mental health.